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AOV Systems

AOV window

PEA is a leading manufacturer of Automated Opening Vents, or Smoke Vents (AOV) within the UK window systems market. Compliant to EN12101-2 standards, we specify AOV systems for Commercial, Residential or any communal facility. Our experienced team can advise on the best solutions to integrate the AOV within the building management system. All systems are tested thoroughly before being delivered, using approved accredited suppliers, and all components are inspected before manufacturing begins.

Automatic Opening Vents have a dual function within a building, the first is for daily ventilation optimizing the quality of indoor air. The second is for fire safety, as part of a building’s fire safety procedures the AOV is linked to your building management system for 24/7 monitoring. Recent updates to UK building regulations stipulate a requirement for new buildings to incorporate AOV’s as they are life-saving essentials.


Linked to the building management system the AOV system uses sensors around the building to detect any heat or smoke present. The sensors are active 24/7 enabling an automatic response to trigger the AOV system should any smoke or heat be detected within the building. The benefit of the system not only helps to contain the fire but to protect occupants by extracting the smoke from the building, creating safer escape routes, or to provide an access point for a fire officer. Our systems are fully regulated.


There’s nothing worse than being stuck in a hot and stuffy building with no fresh air, but the option to utilize AOVs within your communal areas can help improve the regulation of fresh air within your building. Electric window actuators can be used to drive fresh air through a building, through a smart control system with sensor points.

Compliance to EN12101-2

When vents are required for smoke ventilation they must be compliant to EN12101-2 as mandatory by CPR 2013 in UK law. This involves the vent and actuator being tested together at an independent accredited test facility with the installation detail then replicated on site. In addition, as the AOV’s are a ‘life safety product’ they fall under a System 1 categorisation and must be manufactured by a fabricator who has been audited by a notified body to a System 1 Factory Production Control process. The actuators must also be installed under this same process.

At the end of the process SE Controls will issue a Declaration of Performance (DoP) under EN12101-2 and can UKCA mark the vents to the standard. The DoP is the only proof of compliance to the standard and will likely be requested by Building Control at project completion.

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