AOV legislation in England, Scotland and Wales: an Overview

UK AOV legislation mandates that all structures, including workplaces, must establish unobstructed escape routes devoid of smoke in the event of a fire. Employing an AOV system enables businesses to mitigate potential visual and respiratory impairments caused by smoke, thereby assisting in compliance with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO). The FSO 2005 outlines the legal prerequisites for fire safety in non-residential premises in England and Wales, while the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 are applicable in Scotland.

What does BS EN 12101-2 entail?

BS EN 12101-2 represents a British Standard delineating the criteria for natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (NSHEVs), integral components of smoke control systems. Part of a broader series addressing smoke control systems in buildings, BS EN 12101-2 outlines specifications for the design, fabrication, installation, and upkeep of NSHEVs. These ventilators are strategically engineered to expel smoke and heat during a fire, facilitating clear evacuation paths for occupants and aiding firefighting efforts.
The standard encompasses diverse NSHEV types, such as:
1. Roof-mounted ventilators.
2. Wall-mounted ventilators.
3. Facade-mounted ventilators.
BS EN 12101-2 defines requirements for materials and components used in NSHEV construction, along with procedures for performance testing and certification. Adherence to BS EN 12101-2 is frequently mandated by building codes and regulations. Architects, engineers, and building owners must ensure NSHEVs are designed and installed in accordance with this standard to guarantee the safety of occupants during a fire.
Paul Evans Architectural is a reputable manufacturer dedicated to producing AOV window systems that align with the pertinent legislation. Their AOV window systems are designed in strict accordance with The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) for non-domestic premises in England and Wales, ensuring that buildings, including workplaces, meet the mandated requirements for clear escape routes in the event of a fire. PEA’s AOV window systems adhere to the specifications outlined in BS EN 12101-2, the British Standard governing natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (NSHEVs). These AOVs are meticulously manufactured to meet the applicable maintenance criteria stipulated by BS EN 12101-2, guaranteeing compliance with industry standards and contributing to the overall safety of building occupants during fire incidents.
Contact us for an informal discussion on how we can support you with the manufacture and supply of our AOV window systems.

AOV window Yorkshire, AOV manufacturer Paul Evans Architectural AOV Legislation in UK


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